It brings the village together


Sunday morning, January 26 and Beckley Village Hall is packed for the monthly farmers and craft market. “It’s actually a bit quieter than normal,” says organiser Natasha Vadorin. “Normally they’re queueing to get in. It’s a real social event for the village.”

There are stalls selling local produce in the main hall and reception area. Meat and veg from up the road, honey from the next village, cheese from round the corner, cakes from nearby, plus local pictures for sale and crafts made by the villagers and their friends. In a smaller room to the back, where Rye News has set up stall, there’s tea and coffee (and bacon butties) and Beckley villagers catching up.

One of the first Beckley farmers markets – busy from the start

Natasha is also the chair of Beckley Parish Council. “I love this market. It’s not just an opportunity to buy and sell fantastic local produce, it’s a great way of bringing the village together. People come here to see each other and everyone is so friendly. It’s helped me personally too. I’m much more confident having taken this on. I used to be quite shy!”

Angie Lewis with jewellery on sale

The market began before Covid, but since then has gone from strength to strength. Beckley villager Angie Lewis has been involved from the start selling jewellery. “It really is a village event and a lovely market. A social occasion with lots of new faces.”

The monthly event has raised over £2,500 towards the upkeep of the village hall, including the installation of solar panels. For Tina Langmead, chair of the village hall committee, the market is a big success. “Sundays can be a bit grim if you don’t have children or aren’t involved in the church, so to see so many people here just having a chat and getting to know each other makes a big difference. It really is the village centre.”

Lisa Alamoodi with bakery for sale

The stall holders praised the market’s atmosphere. Lisa Alamoodi from Baklava Bakery in Hastings is there each month. “All the stallholders are a bit of a family. People are genuine and so supportive.” For Emma Plumb, from Pebble Beach Bakery in Littlestone, Sunday’s market is a sellout. “It’s great for repeat business and always good fun.”

Sophie Bull with lamb for sale from Morebread Farm in Peasmarsh

Sophie Bull from Morebread Farm in Peasmarsh says coming to Beckley each month is a good way to get their lamb in front of local people. “I really like coming here. The people I talk to are genuinely interested in what we sell. People want to buy local produce.” Russell Flowers from Sustainable Meat Eater in Wadhurst agrees. “Coming to Beckley means we can promote our venison locally. It’s such a well-supported market.”

Russell Flowers brings locally sourced venison to the market

Throughout the morning the Rye News stand was busy with locals sharing stories and telling the team what they wanted to read in the paper. If you’d like to invite us to your event, email

Beckley Farmers and Craft Market is every fourth Sunday each month from 10am-12:30pm in Beckley Village Hall. To find out more – or to apply to run a stall – search for Beckley Farmers and Craft Market on Facebook.

Image Credits: James Stewart , Natasha Valorin .

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