No vegging out at annual show


The Annual Flower and Vegetable Show, held at the Community Centre September 5, attracted 210 entries in 54 categories, despite the terrible weather. The 40 individuals who entered came from across the community, with strong representation from allotment holders, who were also selling glutted items at a stall outside (baby courgettes, spinach, garlic, red onions and other deliciously fresh vegetables).

Helen Hudd who organised the event said: “I’m delighted with the turn out in the horticultural classes , particularly given the challenging weather conditions over the last couple of weeks. The cookery category was well supported and the entries looked delicious. The photography and handicraft categories attracted some excellent entries and were a joy to see.

“I’m really grateful for the support of local business for sponsorship of show categories and through advertising in the show schedule. Without them, the whole thing would not be possible. My thanks to our Mayor Bernadine Fiddimore, who attended the event and presented the prizes and also to the members of the allotment association who helped in running the event”. Top class refreshments were provided as usual by the Landgate Women’s Institute.

The winners were as follows:

  • Fruit and veg : Nigel Jennings
  • Flower and foliage: Nigel Jennings
  • Cookery: Tom Watson
  • Handicraft: Toni Watson
  • Photography: Kevin Hall
  • Childrens category: George Taylor
  • Overall winner of the show: Nigel Jennings
  • Banksian Medal, awarded by the Royal Horticultural Association: Lorna Hall
  • Turk Trophy: Nigel Jennings

The following companies sponsored the various categories: D & V Large Autos Gibbons, Manning & Phipps LLP, The George in Rye, Rye Observer, Rye Town Council, Rye CIC, and Rye Allotments Association.

See below for a slide show of many of the entries.


Photos: Seana Lanigan

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