Come into the garden all


The weekend of June 16-17 marks the one-year anniversary since the murder of Jo Cox MP, who inspired us when she said that we have more in common than divides us. So, down your tools, ditch the DIY, walk away from the washing up, let the grass grow and let’s all celebrate Jo’s life by coming together to celebrate what we have in common – having some fun at the same time.

The Community Garden in Love Lane would be the perfect place for the Rye community (in its widest possible sense) to join together and do something – big or small – over that weekend.

In Jo’s memory, the Steering Committee for the Garden will be planting a native tree that week-end, something that everyone could join us to celebrate. Or, it could be a good old-fashioned party or a barbecue with friends, whatever takes your fancy, 11am to 6pm each day

This is an opportunity to use our collective creativity and make our get together a reflection of what makes Rye and its people so special. We can provide the space but we need all the other organisations in/around Rye to get in touch with the Community Garden with your thoughts and/or ideas for Rye’s Great Get Together.
Our contact details are:
Rye Community Garden c/o 14 Love Lane Rye TN31 7NE to ‘like’ us and follow our postings and click on Activities

We’ve got nine weeks to plan our Great Get Together. And, if you’d like to get involved with the Garden before then, the next work sessions are: Tuesday, April 18 and Saturday, April 22. The work session rule is: each month, the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays and 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month – easy!

Photos: Pip Al-Khafaji, a member f the Garden Steering Committee

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