Disco back by popular demand


With Christmas and new year celebrations now firmly embedded in our memory banks an air of calm has taken over, normal service has been resumed and 2020 has definitely arrived at last. January is a funny old month, time to regroup, make new plans and follow those new year resolutions. Time to look forward not back, get past the first month and you’ve cracked it. Before you know it spring will be upon us, the sun will once again make regular appearances, days will lengthen, dark nights will get shorter and lighter and Brexit will have been signed off.

Surely it must be time for more celebrations, a view shared by Clare Cosson, mastermind behind the hugely successful discos staged last year at St Mary’s Centre in March and October. Prepare to get down and boogie, drag out those party outfits, dust off those dancing shoes and put this date in your diaries.

On Saturday, February 29 at St Mary’s Centre, next to the Kino cinema, from 7:30pm to 10:30pm you have the chance to let it all go, do your stuff, throw yourself into the moment and just have a great evening. Talk to anyone who came along last year and I’m sure they will tell you they had one of the best nights they can remember.

It’s just old fashioned fun, no agenda, nobody is judging you, if you can’t dance it doesn’t matter and if you want to stand on the sidelines supping your drink watching from a distance then so be it, just like when you were a teenager. Live the dream, just come along and join in the party, everyone is welcome.

For £12.50 a ticket you get a professional disco and lighting show, there’s a cash bar (courtesy of Pete and Ange from Fletchers) and the chance to unwind, express yourself, throw caution to the wind and burn those boards!!

Tickets are live now and available on Eventbrite and there is a profile on Instagram @followthecallofthediscoballrye. After expenses, all proceeds will go to a local charity.

Look at it as a post Valentine’s Day chance to celebrate or maybe a “leap year disco” opportunity to have a night out but whichever way you view it, taking part is the only way you will see what a great night it promises to be. I’m on the door again this year and I look forward to welcoming faces old and new, on the night.

Image Credits: Clare Cosson .

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