Boulers clash on Strand Quay


Clash of ‘Les Titans’ happened once again on Wednesday, August 23 between the two Rye and District u3a boules teams, when they came together for an evening challenge match on Strand Quay. Following their defeat earlier in the season, the Tuesday group asked for a rematch with the Wednesday group. Lines were drawn again and under the gaze of interested Rye visitors, battle commenced between ‘Les Bleus’ (Wednesday) and ‘Les Verts’ (Tuesday) players.

After the first game, play was interrupted with hilarity as one of the players rolled Noel Varney’s boule towards him, however no-one was quick enough to stop it and it rolled into the river Tillingham.   

Decision time, who is closest

Luckily a substitute was found and the game could resume. Les Verts’ situation unfortunately did not improve and the final result was another resounding win for Les Bleus, the Wednesday group. The beautiful grafted trophy, designed and built by a team member, was presented to the winning team before everyone retired to the Quayside Kitchen across the road for an excellent meal, a few glasses ‘du vin’ and lots of laughter.

Image Credits: Ian Scott , Mike Taylor .

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