Huge rise in demand at food bank


Funding for small, independent charitable bodies like Rye Foodbank is always going to be a precarious business. How can it not be? It’s not possible to forecast the level of funding that may be necessary and we do need to make sure we are always able to supply emergency food to the needy and demand levels fluctuate. Over the years our base of solid experience and best management practices have kept us operational. Everything we are able to do is of course solely due to the support and generosity of our community and our wonderful team of volunteers.

The start of this year has shown a 25% increase in demand over the first 11 weeks of 2024 compared to the same period 2023. To date, this year, we have fed 1,390 people. Each person who visits the food bank is provided with nutritionally balanced food adequate for three meals per day for three days, per member of the household.

Each Wednesday at noon as the food bank opens a rush of people arrives. One of the most stressful experiences in life must be not having enough food and worrying about not being able to feed your children. All of the volunteers are ready for the opening and remain as calm and welcoming as possible and smile and offer a cup of coffee and some biscuits.

Those who are not already registered with us are invited to sit down and undergo a simple triage to capture basic priorities. We always explain the intention is to find solutions to their problems and all are offered an appointment with our Hastings and Rother Representation Centre (HARC) advisor, Teresa Andrews, who is a benefits expert and wonderful all round problem solver. Also clients are offered an interview with a debt councillor and other partners we work with depending on the issues that need resolving. There are often tears, sometimes from relief of being able to explain a difficult situation to someone interested in listening.

Teresa Andrews HARC welfare officer

Sussex Community Foundation recently released their report Tackling Poverty. You can read the report here. The report reflects a lack of accessibility to cheap, healthy and sustainable sources of food, as well as high vulnerability to increases in the cost of living. Rother is indicated as having a high level of food insecurity with poverty indicated in Eastern Rother and north west of Rye town. It seems amazing to realise that Rye Foodbank has become an essential means of support for those in our community who are having the toughest time.

Rye Foodbank is entirely voluntary. If you or anyone you know is in need of support for any reason please do contact us or come and visit. The food bank phone number is 07526 349847; email or visit the website

Thanks to everyone who brings donations to us on Wednesday mornings before 11am.  Everything is appreciated, every tin of beans, jar of jam, bag of sugar we cannot continue without the support of everyone who gives money or goods. Fresh goods are welcome.

If you are able please consider a cash donation to help those who are struggling it would help enormously.
Account Name: Rye Foodbank
Account Number: 83501116
Sort Code: 20-54-25

If you would like to know more about our operation and how we work – please feel free to visit during opening hours or email or phone.

Image Credits: Kt bruce , M. Ivatts .

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