Calmer New Road traffic hope


At the last Rye Town Council (RTC) meeting, a considerable number of local residents  attended to raise concerns about speeding. A site visit was arranged to New Road last Monday, November 28, so that officers from Highways England and East Sussex County Council (ESCC) could see for themselves the issues that residents face.

Cllr Keith Glazier from ESCC, Cllr Paul Osborne from Rother District Council, and Cllrs Andy Rivett, Rebekah Gilbert, Deputy Mayor Mike Boyd and Pat Hughes from RTC were present to listen to some of the anecdotal evidence of speeding, overtaking, and generally dangerous driving that occur along this residential, 30mph road.

An officer from Highways England told the meeting that he would take away the information on everything they had seen and heard, in order to put together a report on what can be done. This should be completed in 6-8 months. However, Cllr Glazier asked for an interim update to advise residents of progress.

[Editorial comment:  As an illustration of influence that can be brought to bear by local residents, the A259 New Road action sets a new standard of people power achieving results. A serious accident on September 7 reported in Rye News led to a residents’ meeting on October 5 and formation of an action committee. This was followed by representations to Rye Town Council on October 31 and the meeting now with the highways authorities.]



Rebekah Gilbert is a Rye Town Councillor. Photo: Kenneth Bird

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  1. As a spokesman from the New Road/kings Avenue action group, I would like to thank everyone involved in bringing these serious issues to the attention of Highways England.

    With the great support and advice from Cllr Keith Glazier, Cllr Paul Osborne as well as Rye Town Coucil and Sgt Dave Townsend plus all others involved, we hope that the serious issues discussed will be acted on and a positive outcome will be achieved.
    Up to this point we feel as an action group we have done all we can, hopefully our efforts together may stop a fatality occurring.

    Richard Benn.

  2. I live in South Undercliff on a slightly different stretch of the inadequate and overloaded A259. Our stretch of road is narrower and beset with bends. However, speeding is still an issue for us as it is for New Road residents and we support them 100% in making where they live safer for all residents and road users. Well done New Road action group! We hope that you may feel able to support us as we try to get some action on road safety in our part of the town.

  3. The residents of Fishmarket Road, South Undercliff and St Margarets Terrace have also formed an action group, following a petition which attracted 104 signatures. We also have serious concerns about the speed of traffic, the amount of heavy traffic and the condition of the road. Cllr Keith Glazier is also supportive of our concerns and will be discussing these with Highways England.

    What a pity it is that we need to form action groups to try to get some action about a problem which has existed for some 30 years – it was deemed in 1983 that Rye needed a by-pass!!! That was before the Channel Tunnel opened which has increased the amount of traffic significantly.

  4. The A259 which is covered by 30mph limit should be considered as a whole. Unfortunately both New Road and even worse New Winchelsea Road are straight encouraging everyone from a Mr Toad in his vintage sports car through some (but not all) motorcyclists, ordinary cars and HGVs ignoring the limit. Fatal accidents are waiting to happen. In the absence of police or speed cameras some other traffic calming measures are needed. Additionally I should point out the crazy Rye Harbour Road/A259 junction which is a nightmare for pedestrians. Those in the know tell me that the A259 is designated by the government as a key trunk road so little can be done. I suggest as our MP Ms Rudd spends a day in the area and reports back to her government colleagues.


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