Ferry Road raises funds


Ferry Road Nursery in Rye kicked off its fundraising for its planned extension with a Black Tie Charity Dinner held at the Mermaid Inn in Rye, hosted by the Mayor of Rye, Cllr Jonathan Breeds.
Nearly 70 people enjoyed a wonderful three-course meal, a charity auction, raffle and music – organised jointly by Rye Town councillors and the nursery, with help from Kirsty Doherty at Pure Creative Design, to help start their fundraising now that the Town Council has taken the freehold as a community asset for the town.
The evening was a great success and a wonderful opportunity to inform the wider audience about the nursery’s exciting plans.
The evening raised £6,135, plus there was an additional £5,000 from an anonymous donor bringing the total raised on the night to an incredible £11,135.
The children also took part in the fundraising effort and, wearing their best outfits, they held their own ‘Mini Ball’ the day before at the nursery.
The nursery, in Ferry Road, has been given planning permission to add a third floor which will enable more families of Rye to access its  amazing facilities and resources.
Chair of Trustees, Christine Booker, added: “We still have a long way to go but this was an amazing start. We cannot thank people enough for the generosity, support and kindness given to the nursery so far.”
There are more fundraising events coming up throughout the year, the next one being a Bingo Night in May, followed by the annual fundraiser Duck Race on Saturday June 23.
If you have any ideas regarding fundraising for the nursery or to find out more about the new building they would love to hear from you, please contact frncommittee@gmail.com (Source: Ferry Road Nursery)

Photo: Ferry Road Nursery

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