Arts Festival seeks new chairman


There will be a contest for the post of chairman of the Rye Arts Festival when it holds its annual meeting Sunday week, February 7, at the Community Centre in Conduit Hill at 4 pm.

Ian Graham-Bryce is stepping down as Chairman and the post will contested by Mike Eve and Peter Mackenzie Smith. Nominations closed last Sunday but details of the candidates have not yet been sent out.

Mike Eve is closely associated with the setting up of Rye’s new cinema, the Kino, which opened last year and Peter Mackenzie Smith is well known for his World War Two history walks around Rye during the festival.

The post has not been contested for some time and nominees are expected to meet 12 criteria, including being a Friend or Patron of the Festival, having a keen interest in the Arts, having a knowledge of charity good practice, providing leadership and resolving any conflicts that may arise.


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