‘Acid attack’ charity run


Wendy Vu, who owns and runs the Elegant Nails salon by the Landgate and also happens to be the mother of my grandchild, is raising money to help a child she met on a recent visit back home to Vietnam. This little girl was the victim of an acid attack and is terribly scarred. She needs an operation to help her breathe more easily.

There is a health service in Vietnam but it is not free. This operation will cost £2,000, which in Western terms is not a lot of money, but is a small fortune to the child’s family who are poor.

To raise money, Wendy is running in the Hastings Half Marathon next Sunday March 22 and this Thursday’s Lent Lunch in St Mary’s, Rye, will be in aid of this cause. Wendy is also getting up early several days a week to make cupcakes, which she is selling to her manicure customers. You can donate at her website here.

The Hastings Half is a tough event with several miles of exhausting uphill running at the beginning of the course.

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