All at sea for rafting fun


The Rye Festival of the Sea has its third outing on Sunday September 1 this year and due to the time of the high tide, everything will take place on the Salts.

The morning starts with a fun dog show, registration from 10:30am with judging at 11am for Most Handsome Admiral (best male dog in a nautical theme) and Prettiest Mermaid (best female dog with a nautical attire). There will also be a Salty Sea Dog prize for the best veteran dog – or handler! The Bosun’s Bite award will go the favourite dog in the show as considered by the judge, Bernie Fiddimore from Iden Boarding Kennels.

This is followed by a display by two competing teams from the Rye Sea Cadets on the main arena. There will be music all day from the 1066 Rockitmen between events.

At 1:15pm the raft race will take place with viewing from Monk Bretton Bridge, so far there are eight teams taking part.

A tug of war takes place at 3pm and if you’d like to enter a team there are still places.
During the day there will be a kids’ corner, storytelling and Rye walks led by the town crier.

You will find many stalls around the main arena selling local products and promoting local charities.

The organisers, all volunteers from the local community, hope you will have a fun family day out and enjoy the laughs and frolics of the events. We could not do this without the kind and generous support of all our sponsors and thank them wholeheartedly for making this happen.

A team from the Rye Retreat has kindly volunteered to help with rubbish collection but we ask that no plastics are used for water bombs at the raft race and that the audience is environmentally aware.

Full details are on our website

Image Credits: John Minter .

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