Business Forum to talk parking



The latest findings on parking in Rye will be the subject of a forum organised by Rye’s Business Forum at the George on Thursday July 13 at 5:30 for 6pm, until 7pm. Cllr Keith Glazier and Karl Taylor, Assistant Director – Operations, Communities, Economy and Transport, of East Sussex County Council (ESCC), will be presenting. Mr Taylor is travelling from Lewes and will explain where both ESCC and Rother District Council are on their investigations and what options might be possible.

Parking is a major issue for residents, visitors and of course business owners, so this will not be a meeting to revisit those problems, but an opportunity to make constructive suggestions about solutions to those in charge of the ultimate decision.

As always, all businesses and sole traders in the Rye area are welcome, but as a large turnout is expected, the Forum asks for names and any questions to be sent  in advance to

The Forum hopes that plenty of people will attend, with business cards, and support the group. To join the Forum, go to Facebook @ryeareabusinessforum.

Source: Rye Business Forum

Photo: Courtesy Rye Business Forum

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