Christmas church services


With Christmas only a few days away next Monday, December 25, Iden had its carol service last night, Thursday December 21; East Guldeford has its on Sunday, Christmas Eve, at 4:30pm, and Rye’s parish church St Mary’s has family communion with carols at 10:30am on Christmas day.

A number of churches have crib services for children including St Thomas’ Winchelsea and Icklesham at 4pm on Saturday December 23, and on Christmas Eve in Playden at 3:30pm, Northiam at 4pm and St Mary’s Rye at 5pm.

Christmas Eve sees a variety of services with Christingle at Pett at 3pm and Westfield at 4 and 6pm, with a candelit Eucharist at Guestling at 4pm and a big Christmas celebration at Rye Baptist at 7pm. Christmas Eve then rounds off with a variety of “midnight” services – Westfield at 11pm; St Thomas Winchelsea, St Mary’s Rye, Playden and Camber from 11:30 pm, and St Anthony’s Rye at 6pm and midnight.

Christmas Day also sees services in most places including Winchelsea Beach and Iden at 9:30am, Pett Methodist at 10:30am and Rye Methodist at 11:15am.

Photo: Rye News Library

Photo: Rye News Library

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