Emergency helicopter in town


The Kent Surrey Sussex air Ambulance was called out at around 9:45 am on Wednesday October 12 to attend an incident at Slades Yard, Rock Channel.  A fitter working at Jempsons Transport had suffered a serious industrial accident, necessitating airlift to hospital.

The helicopter was spotted by a Rye news Reporter at the Wednesday Farmers’ Market as it circled the area, seeking a place to land. Slades Yard was too constricted so it came down outside the former auction room nearer Rock Channel, where several coaches (operated by Nova Bussing) are now stationed, but one was quickly moved out of the way to enable the machine to land safely, almost at the same time as the road ambulance itself arrived.

Paramedics and a doctor treated the injured man for some time before putting him in the helicopter for swift transfer to hospital. His condition at the time of writing is not known as no one was available at the company to comment.

photo: Kenneth Bird

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