The success of the Rye Community Charity Shop (see feature) means its funding panel has been able to distribute funds. It has awarded £3,470, split between five local groups. Because of the number of applications received there will be another funding round in December. Deputy Mayor Jonathan Breeds presented the cheques.
Rye Pre-school Playgroup requested funding for sensory garden equipment and building a buggy park. Visit their website for more information.

Rye 1st Scouts will soon be moving into a new building and the money they have been awarded will go towards new equipment. Rye Scouts will be holding an open day on October 4 when everyone will be invited to see their new home and a display of scouting activities.
Winchelsea beach’s Older Peoples Project was funded so they could purchase equipment for the new community day-care centre which opens on Monday September 8. Meetings are every Monday between 10:30am and 2:30pm and the £5 cost includes refreshments and a two-course lunch. Volunteers are needed to help. For further information please call 01797 225616/07947 618989.
Tilling Green art group, formerly known as Activ8, is for people with mental health issues. They requested funding so they could buy art and craft equipment and also so they could take students out on day trips to galleries and exhibitions.
Tilling Green Community Friends requested funding for their Young Helpers group which was launched in March 2014 and has been very successful. Community Friends will use the money to help pay for an outing for the group in October half term, for fridge magnets with the group’s telephone number on, and new advertising for the group. If you require a helping hand, and live on the Tilling Green estate, then please contact Tilling Green Community Friends on 01797 224368/07972 262973.

After the cheques were presented to representatives of each group, Deputy Mayor Jonathan Breeds said “It is amazing how much money the charity shop has raised in a year and it is nice to meet the dedicated volunteers who give their time to these groups”
Photos: Sharron Busbridge