Free makes it more fun


The directors of Rye Castle Museum recently took the bold step of making entrance to the East Street site free, with the hope of visitors then giving a donation. As you can see on the graphic above, this has resulted in a large increase in visitor numbers with a knock-on effect for visitors to the Tower.

Volunteers are much happier as they are kept busy and there is a general buzz now in the museum – it is no longer deathly quiet. Visitors are impressed at the variety of exhibits in this small museum.

A new World War I exhibition – with local connections to Rye – has opened at the East Street site and will be on-going for the centenary remembrance. During the Rye Arts Festival (September 13-28) there will be another new exhibition: Rye’s links with France, open 10am-4pm daily. This will include paintings, documents and materials illustrating the town’s links with our neighbour across the Channel from its ownership by the Abbey of Fécamp between the 11th and 13th centuries.

More details can be found on the museum website. If you would like to become a member of the museum and/or a volunteer we would be happy to see you; please get in touch on 01797 226728 or by email.

Heather Stevenson is on the museum’s board of directors

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