Mayoral party at Tilling Green


After the pomp and splendor of the Mayor Making on Monday May 2, it was over to the Tilling Green Community Centre for a mayoral celebration party. Food and drink was available for purchase and there was plenty of entertainment.

First up were the Brillos. Believe it or not this is blues and 60’s/70’s rock played on ukuleles, with added vocals, drums and bass guitar. I had missed them before but I will definitely keep an ear out for one of their future gigs.

They were followed by Acting up in Rye, who were there to promote future events and appeal for new cast members. All details can be found on their website.

We now had some members of the Rye Ukulele Experiment. If you haven’t heard a ukulele group it is a fun experience. They played a variety of numbers. Allegedly, the ukulele is fairly easy to play and a good beginner’s instrument. It didn’t sound like that to me.

By now the room was abuzz. So what do we get next but Step Up and Dance Line Dancing. Once they had done a couple of numbers,  members of the audience were joining in including our new mayor, the ex mayor and the deputy town clerk. Then to my surprise I saw Priscilla Ryan up and joining in with Heidi Foster. Priscilla looked very sprightly.

Then came the band Slap Bang. They are fairly new and I had not heard them until now. Very soon they had most of the audience up dancing. I decided to retire home as I was feeling my age.

I have spoken to many people since Monday and they were very enthusiastic about the afternoon. It was certainly a different way to welcome the new Mayor, Jonathan Breeds.

Photos Ray Prewer

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