Nature reserve battles bird flu


Two impressive new breeding islands were installed in the Tern Pool on the reserve this week, to allow more breeding space for terns and allow them not to have to share close proximity with any gulls. This is one of the measures taken by the Reserve to reduce the risk of loss of species due to bird flu.

Barry Yates, although now retired, was overseeing the unloading of the bespoke special floating pontoons on Tuesday morning. Barry explained that the construction material the pontoons were made from was recycled plastic with a lifespan of 100+ years.

The two large floating pontoons had to be unloaded and carried in sections to be installed in the tern pools.

The pontoon platforms had arrived from West Yorkshire in a large truck with a team of friendly Yorkshire men who had left at 5am in order to make the delivery. Apparently word had got round other UK bird reserves that Barry Yates had taken this step and the producer had received orders for 80 more in one afternoon. Such is the esteem and reputation of Barry Yates.

I asked Barry how he had enjoyed his retirement party – he said the cake was fantastic.  Although not leaving Rye Harbour just yet, Barry and his wife Anne will be moving to Icklesham and they have a house with a sea view.

Barry Yates
Lads unloading the pontoon sections
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