New Road residents demand action


Residents of New Road and Kings Avenue have called a public meeting to campaign against speeding traffic on the A259 eastern approach to Rye. Flyers have been circulated calling for urgent action before a fatality occurs. A serious accident occurred on September 7 as reported in Rye News.

Richard Benn, who has lived in New Road for 13 years, said, “So many people have had a close call owing to excessive speeding and dangerous and senseless overtaking.

“At my end is the entrance to the Rugby Club, where an accident occurred recently – that is in a 60 mph zone!  A friend’s father who lives in Kings Avenue is virtually housebound because he dare not cross the road to the bus stop. As a group, we want to flag this up, because it’s getting horrendous”.

Among the safety measures expected to be called for are painting double white lines along that entire stretch of New Road and moving the 30 mph sign eastwards beyond the Rugby Club. With the new cafe opened at the Club, the number of vehicles turning in there has increased in recent months.

The open meeting is to be held at Rye Rugby Club on Wednesday October 5 at 7:30pm, and it is understood that Cllr Paul Osborne has agreed to act as chair. Those unable to attend or with questions are invited to phone: 07900 692815





Photo: Kenneth Bird

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  1. The 5 main routes into Rye (A259 both ways, from Udimore, from Playden and from Appledore) all need short portions of raised roadway at the point of 30mph which require traffic to slow in order to go up and over. These work well in many other countries. As for the New Road specifically, it is well known as a motorcycle speeding spot, yet the police do absolutely nothing. Perhaps the residents could be persuaded to park their cars in a manner to form a chicane, that would slow things down a bit.

  2. A ‘Chicane’ solved the problem for a road similar to this in the North East – mind residents had pushed for years, after many near misses and injurious, one death, a and the ‘Chicane’ appeared one month later. No near misses, safe to cross at long last. But one unnecessary death and sorrow.

  3. The residents of South Undercliff have also signed a petition organised by
    myself and another resident regarding these issues. We had a meeting with Amber Rudd MP earlier this year and she advised us to get a petition together. It is very obvious from speaking to residents of South Undercliff that they are very frustrated about the speed of the traffic, the condition of the road surface and the amount of heavy lorries using the A259. Many people have contacted the various agencies individually i.e. Highways Department, Balfour Beatty etc but nobody seems interested. The pavement in South Undercliff at The Strand end is very narrow (30″) and lorries come along at speed and very close to the kerb. One resident had a rib broken in her back by a low positioned wing mirror on a lorry. Residents also risk their lives daily to cross the road due to fast traffic. There really is a need for a pedestrian crossing at St Margarets Terrace to allow residents to cross safely and also to create some traffic calming. There are no signs on the road or on the side of the road in South Undercliff to indicate that it is a 30mph limit.
    I will be contacting Mr Benn to suggest that the residents of New Road, Fishmarket Road and South Undercliff attend the above meeting to discuss the problems and plan a way forward.

  4. Everyone who lives in Rye is aware of the many different problems due to traffic. Last evening about 11p m a motor bike was using The Mint as a race track. It revved as it speeded making a horrendous noise. It completed the ‘track’ three times!
    The road surfaces in The High Street are appalling. Patching doesn’t work. If only The Highways dept could be persuaded to re surface the entire road. What must our visitors think…
    at least I managed to persuade The Highways Dept to replace the knocked over bollard!

  5. Yes agree and as I pointed out to the Highways Agency, which of course has done nothing, the 30mph illuminated sign on the A259 from Winchelsea has been out of order for months. Also apparently everybody including foreign motorists is expected to know it is 30mph because it has street lights. HA refuse to paint 30 mph or put small reminders up. Also the last time I checked the ‘temporary’ 30 mph limit on the A259 imposed due to a sad fatal accident has expired. All in all I think leaving the A259 to a remote central government agency is a mistake. At the very least it should be ESCC.

  6. I’m not sure about chicanes and ramps, but I am certain that the police aren’t interested in motorcyclists using both New Rd and Camber Rd as a race track.
    This has been raised annually at the East Guldeford parish meeting for some years and each time we have been fobbed off with excuses about why adequate enforcement is impossible.

    Isn’t there supposed to be some highly paid ever-so important local police commissioner who should be paying attention to the traffic issues in Rye? Or does she only appear at election time or when higher taxes are required (Rye News Jan 28 2016)?


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