Notes from the Council Chamber


The process for securing a successor to the late John Izod‘s seat on the Council is in train. The required number of demands for a by-election rather than a simple co-option have been received and this is provisionally planned for July 28. While the alternative to an election – co-opting a new councillor – is without significant cost to the Town, a by-election is likely to cost around £4,600 or, if polling cards are not issued, £3,600.


Proceeds from the sale of Camber Fields will go into the Rother District Council Capital Receipts Fund which can disburse money only to revenue-generating assets. This money cannot, as had been requested, therefore go towards maintenance of the Landgate but Rother advise that they are seeking other ways to provide an equivalent sum [Editor’s note: Rye News hears that RDC Councillor Lord Ampthill has undertaken to see that this happens].

Rock Channel

The Council understands that Rye Partnership are looking into funding from the Coastal Communities Fund towards a feasibility study regarding future development of Rock Channel. The town council are not availing themselves of this opportunity. The application process is quite onerous and although employing Consultants/Specialists to submit these applications is possible, it is not being considered at this time.

A committee bites the dust

For practical reasons the Public Services Committee has been discontinued. It no longer serves its original purpose and residual functions will come under the purview of other Council Committees where necessary.

Photo: library image

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  1. I consider that piece on the Rock Channel is misleading. The Rye Partnership is actually looking at regeneration of their holdings in Rock Channel East or the “Rye Peninsular”. The broad location of the Rock Channel has been subject to much study by the Rye Neighbourhood Planners. All this is on the Rye Neighbourhood Plan website.
    Therefore Rye Town Council is proactive and doing much to influence future development of the whole of the Rock Channel.

  2. The Most Important Committee Bites The Dust

    The Public Services Committee has long been the only regular and constitutional interface the Town Council ‘enjoyed’ with the real world outside: the only committee to include members of the public and those organisations that monitor and enhance the quality of life in our town – the only forum with an element of public scrutiny.
    In its recent years the Committee was chaired energetically by Mary Smith, who always insisted on answers whether from the East Sussex County Council, the Rother District Council, social services, the NHS or members of the Town Council itself. As such the Committee was not popular within the Town Council (elected members of which had an appalling attendance record).

    Last week Rye News carried an excellent article from John Minter about the non-existent representation of Rye on the RDC. He also warned of complacency within the Town Council. Well, take heed, fellow-citizens: the abolition of the Public Services Committee can only make matters worse – a sad farewell to the last vestige of direct democratic involvement in the day-to-day condition of the town at a time when all public services from the NHS to Social Services are being squeezed to their minimum by a central government determined to do away with the Welfare State.


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