Oh no, not again


It could almost be a comedy program: we have to put up with weeks of road repairs that closed off one of the main routes into the town without any reasonable notice and at a time of year when we can expect large numbers of tourist visitors, writes John Minter

traffic lights causing more hold-ups
traffic lights causing more hold-ups

Finally the fully-resurfaced road was re-opened….Hooray!….but, Oh no! as one road opened another was partially closed with traffic lights at the junction of Fishmarket Road and South Undercliff as ’emergency works’ required holes to be dug over this last weekend. More queues.

But it only lasted a day, so now we had full access to all our roads again, but no such luck – just two days after the A268 resurfacing had been completed, cones and traffic lights re-appeared and brand new tarmac was being dug up to access a buried pipe. This is only due to last a few days, but as Victor Meldrew might have said, “I don’t belieeeeve it!”

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