Parking changes, but not yet


In a wide ranging speech Rye’s Mayor Cllr Jonathan Breeds , in his final month in this role set out the Town Council’s work over the past year at Wednesday night’s (April 4) packed annual Town Meeting at the Tilling Green Community Centre.
As parking was an issue frequently raised at these annual meetings, he said it was encouraging news that responsibility for parking could pass from the police to East Sussex County Council – but not before April 2020.
Further extracts from his speech are given below.
“I am pleased to report that we successfully completed the purchase of 97 South Undercliff for the purpose of letting it to a Rye household at a discounted rent” and “we have only recently advertised a tenancy at a discounted rent because we needed to be certain that our Discounted Accommodation scheme does not contravene equalities legislation.
“Those of you who took part in the consultation that gave the Council a mandate to obtain a loan to buy a property may recall that the intention was to let it to a young Rye household. Although we have had to adjust the scheme so as not to discriminate on the basis of age, in practice we have found that the majority of those applying to be considered for a tenancy by yesterday’s deadline have tended to be younger people, with both a strong connection to the parish and young children.
“Until recently, to ensure that the property was generating rental income to offset the loan repayments, number 97 was let temporarily on a first come, first served basis. We hope that our first discounted rental tenancy will commence within the next four weeks or so.
Protecting the nursery
“The Council is delighted to have been able to provide support – and peace of mind – to the Ferry Road Nursery by ensuring that the land upon which it sits remains publicly-owned. The nursery is a highly-valued and popular community asset.
“We are happy to work with others on projects that help to maintain – or preserve – the historic fabric of the town. Examples include: the refurbishment of the pump housing in Pump Street with the Conservation Society; and contributing to £74,000 of urgent repairs to the Landgate, owned currently by Rother. The Rye Fund has generously agreed to contribute £3,000 towards the £7,000 the Town Council has resolved to underwrite.

“The Town Council has continued to do what it can to support our many and varied local voluntary organisations – all of which play a vital role in the social, cultural and recreational life of the town.
“Since I last spoke with you the Town Council has agreed grants to a number of these groups – either from its own funds or Rother District Council’s New Events Fund. These include Â£250 for the Tilling Green Residents’ Association band for summer fete; Â£2,000 for Rye & District Community Transport, 326 service; Â£1,500 Entertainment Workshops, Macbook Pro laptop; Â£2,500 to Rye Harbour RNLI Station, new lifeboat; Â£1,000 Rye & District Community Transport – John Izod Memorial bus (pictured left); Â£2,000 for the 2017 Rye Christmas Festival, and Â£4,000  for  Rye Festival of the Sea and Raft Race 2017.
Keeping the grass cut 
“For the first time in three years we saw some snow this winter and our small response team did its best to ensure Rye did not grind to halt. We have topped up the grit bins and hope that we won’t have to get our shovels out again until next winter at the earliest!
“Early in the year we purchased a petrol mower, which means that we have been able to maintain more of the town’s grass verges. Strictly speaking these are not our responsibility – but many of you will recall seeing grass verges at Tilling Green reaching waist height! We have taken to stepping in when a verge hasn’t been cut for a while or has been cut to a disappointing standard – which seems to happen rather a lot.
“We will be doing more of this because the County Council is about to reduce urban cuts in Rye from five to six a year to two. Rather than pay the County Council to maintain the level of cuts at six we have decided to accept an annual payment from the County Council to help us cut the town’s verges as and when necessary.

The row of derelict cottages in Ferry Road spring back to life and use, after the major supermarkets lose interest in Rye

“We have continued to scrutinise planning applications affecting Rye, passing on our comments to the Planning Authority, Rother District Council. Although it is Rother that has the statutory duty to determine the majority of these applications, we are told that our local knowledge helps to inform its decisions – which must be based on planning law and guidance (both national and local).
“There was an application to build a staggering 72 dwellings on the former Thomas Peacock Lower School site in Ferry Road (which had been going to become a large supermarket). We objected to this one on the basis of overdevelopment, unsafe vehicular access (it being so close to the rail crossing) and insufficient parking.
“We have objected to no less than two applications submitted by BP to build a fuel station at the top of Udimore Road, just west of the entrance to Valley Park. We are inclined to agree that Rye would benefit from a second fuel station, but not at the proposed location.
“We are ploughing on with the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Rye and are hugely grateful to Anthony Kimber, the Steering Group Vice Chairman, for continuing to lead the project, so capably, on a voluntary basis.
New look for Heritage Centre
“I would like to take this opportunity to publicly record the Council’s appreciation for the ideas, energy and commitment that Louisa O’Shaughnessy and her team have brought to the Heritage Centre (on Strand Quay).
“Those of you who have been into the Centre recently will have noticed that it has been given a new look – and we have expanded the stock offering for the so-called cultural explorers who visit our town.
“Barely a Town Meeting goes by without the perennial topic of the abuse of on street parking being raised. I am sure this year will be no different – but do I have some encouraging news. It is looking very likely that Rother District Council will shortly ask East Sussex County Council to introduce a Civil Parking Enforcement scheme in the district. This will see responsibility for enforcing parking regulations being passed from the police to the County Council.
“We will need to continue to be patient though because ministerial approval is required, Traffic Regulations Orders need to be checked, and road markings and signs will need to be refreshed. It seems that the earliest the scheme could be introduced is April 2020.
The Town Council is looking at the problem whereby drivers now can no longer see potential hazards round the corner on Station Approach

“On other highways-related matters, the Town Council has agreed to fund a feasibility study with a view to improving pedestrian safety in Station Approach – and also to look into the cost of acquiring portable electronic speed indicators to rotate around the entrances to the town.
Council Tax for town up 21p
“This year’s Town Council Band D Council Tax is £1.52 week – which is an increase of 21p on last year. The Town Council has not done this without careful consideration and I mentioned that we have put measures in place to achieve savings; however, the fact remains that when Rother District Council wishes to dispose of its Rye assets it will not give them away for nothing and, where possible, it will try and maximise the sale price.
“However, for the benefit of generations to come, the Town Council is keen to ensure that as many of Rye’s community assets as possible remain in public ownership.
“Built up over decades, the Town Council’s reserves have taken a bit of a hit over the last year with the purchase of the amenity area in Wish Ward, the freehold of the land occupied by the Ferry Road Nursery, and 97 South Undercliff. We therefore need to start the process of replenishing our reserves so that we are in a better position to respond to any further proposed disposals of Rother assets with an amenity or historical value.”

Photos: John Minter and Rye News Library

Image Credits: Ray Prewer .

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