Planning Peasmarsh


Peasmarsh has started the process to create its own neighbourhood development plan (NDP), joining nine other neighbourhoods in Rother, five of which already have plans and four of which are preparing them. The Rye plan was formally adopted in 2019.

Modern NDP’s are land usage plans that were brought into being a decade ago by Act of Parliament and have a legal status: “Instead of local people being told what to do, the government thinks that local communities should have genuine opportunities to influence the future of the places where they live. The Act introduces a new right for communities to draw up a neighbourhood plan.”

Peasmarsh already has its own website: and a Facebook page: @PeasmarshNDP.

A group of volunteers is being formed to help create the plan and would welcome your help if you live or work in the parish – use the form on the web site or message the Facebook page.

Even if you don’t join the volunteers, the process of creating an NDP is very democratic so, if you live or work in Peasmarsh, you will be asked for your views and, at the end, be asked to vote in a parish referendum.

Look out for the first chance to have your say – a workshop at the village hall in early July and associated questionnaire.

Image Credits: Peasmarsh Memorial Hall .

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