Police return to parking patrol


Last year, as police were being withdrawn from Rye, the Chief Constable indicated that it might be possible to provide some police assistance to help the parking problem for a limited time, but only if general agreement was reached that not only Rother, but also the neighbouring district of Wealden, were prepared to commit to implementing Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) – decriminalising parking offences and directly employing wardens to control parking and issue tickets where necessary.

Rother District Council had accepted this a little while ago and at the Town Council meeting on Monday June 26, Rother Councillor Lord Ampthill was able to advise that, after much prevarication, it would seem that Wealden, too, has come round to the same way of thinking.parking patrol

The result is that police will now be seen on the streets at least one day a week and will be ticketing cars illegally parked. The local police inspector will also be visiting shortly to talk to ‘stakeholders’ about further increased police presence for traffic control.

This is not, of course, the final answer, but it is a great advance to sorting out the uncontrolled chaos on the town’s streets and it is to be hoped that once some of the worst offenders have received a fine or two, even they will realise the wisdom of being less anti-social in their parking habits.

Cinque Ports brolly rejected

Of a number of other items discussed, one that exercised a number of councillors was the vital question of whether or not to purchase a branded Cinque Ports Confederation umbrella for the sum of £28 and for use by our mayor and others on official, but presumably damp, occasions.

Former Mayor, Councillor Bernardine Fiddemore said that on the day of the last major Confederation event the wet weather had resulted in umbrellas of all colours appearing which had spoilt the effect of the parade and, perhaps if a corporate umbrella were not approved, people could be encouraged to use only black or blue colours.

Councillor Pat Hughes was able to advise that the community bus service had a number of such items and would be happy to lend them if required. After some further discussion it was agreed that the expenditure of £28 on a Confederation umbrella was not a suitable use of town funds.

Photo: Jane Conlin

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  1. Hurrah! At last! A bit of relief on the parking front!
    Lets hope that this is the start to ‘further police presence’ where traffic is concerned. We all know what a complete shambles it has been in the town. I just hope the persistent offenders, of which there are several, are the ones fined.

  2. Perhaps they might do something about the parking in Camber on sunny days. That’s assuming they can actually get here of course!

  3. Well the parking continues to be discussed and will no doubt continue to be a source of irritation but at least the vital question of Cinque ports umbrella has been laid to rest…. phew!


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