Pool saga continues


In our article on the swimming pool last week we were able to announce that a meeting was to be held on Thursday, January 26, between Rye Town Council (RTC), its advisor William Coatesworth and Rother District Council (RDC) to consider further the viability of the leisure centre, with, of course, particular emphasis on the pool. The result of this arrived with Rye News too late for publication last week.

The operators, Freedom Leisure (under contract from Rother) have finally released figures indicating that, at current energy price levels and assuming no other operating changes, they are expecting an annual deficit of costs over income to be around £200k – £250k. This is purely running costs and does not include any expenses related to recommissioning. RTC’s own advisor broadly agrees with this.

The centre has historically operated at a deficit, albeit a decreasing one until the Covid pandemic resulted in a fall of income and post-pandemic energy prices substantially increased costs necessitating the pool closure if the leisure centre, in any form, was to survive.

Various scenarios involving a reopening of the pool have been considered, looking at potential savings and increased income, but even on a best-case scenario a deficit of £50k per annum, given current energy prices, would be likely and a worst-case situation could double this figure. In either case the cost reduction would take time to achieve. The only ray of sunlight here is that current energy prices are forecast by the Bank of England to continue to reduce, although at a slower rate than recently. Further inflationary pressures or unplanned maintenance could, of course, upset these figures.

The report seen by Rye News – and to be presented to councillors at an extra meeting of  RTC on Monday, February 6 – is light on any further detail and much will depend on further discussions between Rother and Freedom Leisure, particularly relating to Freedom Leisure’s future intentions. We are not aware of any time frame on this, but more information may be forthcoming at the RTC meeting which, as with all town council meetings, is open to the public.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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