Preparing for the 2025 season


The 2025 cricket season is four months away, but there is so much preparation already underway by the club. On Sunday, January 26 at 7pm in the Diamond Koz Pavilion the club will be holding its annual general meeting from 7pm. The meeting will be organising the committee appointments to ensure the club is prepared for a busy season.

A major change for the 2025 season is the club takes on full responsibility for the preparation and maintenance of the square and the outfield, as Rother have removed all the fine turf maintenance contracts in the district.

This offers both a challenge and an opportunity. The club has been preparing for this moment for a number of seasons and has through careful stewardship put itself in a position to take on these new responsibilities, and new assets.

On the field the club is busy assembling players for the 2025 season with plans for two overseas recruitments to support the playing, coaching and ground preparation roles.

The club begins indoor training for the three Saturday league teams on Friday, February 28 from 7pm-8:30pm at Claremont Senior School in Bodiam. Both existing and potential players are invited to attend. There will be four nets to use.

The juniors commence indoor training on Wednesday, March 5 from 6pm-8pm at Rye Sports Centre. 6pm-7pm for those aged 7-10 and 7pm-8pm for those aged 11-13.

One highlight of the forthcoming season is the visit of the MCC on Tuesday, July 29 which is the key fixture in the cricket week, when the club plays four games in four days.

There is an open invitation for people to attend the AGM, and maybe get involved in some way with this community club which is now responsible for a community asset. The pavilion provides a base for Rye News and for Friends Altogether in Rother (FAiR). It is not just the playing of cricket so if you have other interests and skills which might support the club we would encourage you to talk to us.

If you are interested please contact the secretary Martin Blincow 07535 482006 or

Image Credits: Martin Blincow .

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