Remembrance Sunday


Following all the noisy enjoyment of bonfire night, we should not forget that the following day, Sunday November 13 is Remembrance Sunday. The usual parade will assemble in the High Street and move off at around 10:35am. The High Street, East Street and Market Street will be closed for the duration of the parade, and for some time prior in order to allow time for the various groups involved to assemble. This year the act of remembrance also marks the centenary of one of the bloodiest battles of WW1 – the Somme Offensive. On the first day alone, British casualties exceeded 57,000. It also marks the centenary, earlier in the year, of the Battle of Jutland where 14 British ships were lost and more than 6,700 sailors gave their lives.

The service of Remembrance will begin at 10:55am and there will be the wreath laying at the War Memorial immediately afterwards.

For those who are finding it difficult to find a poppy seller this year, they are indeed thinner on the ground than usual but nevertheless poppies can be obtained at Bargain Box in Cinque Ports Street, Nationwide (and possibly the other banks as well) in the High Street and we believe also at Adams in the High Street. Surprisingly, they are not available at Jempsons.

Photo: Rye News Library

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