RNLI hosts bumper egg hunt


Annie wearing her winning Easter bonnet

Rye Harbour lifeboat station swarmed with children on the lookout for Easter eggs on Sunday March 25.
The excited young hunters and their families followed a carefully laid trail in pursuit of egg sightings then dashed back to the station to record their time. Every one of the 67 entrants was rewarded with a chocolate egg donated by Rye Harbour Holiday Park staff, owners, and members of the village community.
Meanwhile budding artists sat at tables piled with craft materials, courtesy of local transport company On the Run Touring. There was painting, glueing, drawing and Easter-bonnet making.
All this activity had been organised by Pauline Blaney, RNLI volunteer fundraising manager, to raise funds for the charity. “I would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard work and commitment,” she said, “Helen White for the raffle Easter cake and all the kind people who supported us. Without them, this sort of event just couldn’t happen.”
A total £321.25 was raised to support the volunteer charity that saves lives at sea.

Photos: Martin Bruce

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