Runaway shingle recaptured

.....and disappears back to where it came from
…..and disappears back to where it came from

There has been concern lately that shingle, intended to protect the eastern end of Camber beach, around The Suttons and Broomhill, has, under the influence of constant easterly winds and wave direction, been moving Westwards towards the cafe area and one of the main entrances to the beach.

Having been alerted to this, the Environment Agency has been doing a good job of removing the shingle that ‘walked’. First sweeping it up and then taking it by lorry to further up the beach front, to where it is required, near The Suttons and Broomhill. This will mean that Camber Sands hopefully will not become Camber Shingle and no toes will be stubbed near the Cafes. With this effort and the wind direction changing (we hope) sometime soon, all will be good in Camber again and the mayhem that occurs on very sunny days will doubtless be with us once more.

Photos: Carol Macdonald

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