Scout Centre declared open


Fine weather on Saturday encouraged a good attendance at the Grand Opening of the new Scout Centre at The Grove, Rye. The scout group were supported by Guides and Brownies who also use the scout centre.

The programme featured entertainment by the Step Up and Dance group of line-dancers led by Helen Day and a rousing display of drumming skills from the Section 5 Drummers from Hastings, led by Gary Wallis. A scheduled appearance by the Cheeky Girls unfortunately failed to materialise. However, the tented stalls and barbecue lining the ground in front of the hall, with tables for refreshment inside and out, all made for a friendly family atmosphere.

The welcome sign at the entrance announcing “1st Rye Scouts – Captain Cory’s Own” is continuing proud recognition of the troop’s founding date in 1909, making it one of the oldest in the country, only two years after the movement itself was founded in 1907. The story of Captain Cory, and his service with a Sussex regiment alongside Baden-Powell in the Boer War was recalled by Arthur Woodgate in Rye’s Own magazine last year.

The only shadow cast was the lack of appropriate acknowledgement in the opening speech for those who voluntarily gave their time and efforts towards the creation of the centre. The opportunity was sadly missed to thank project manager and chief fund-raiser Celia Edwards, architect Dominic Manning and the host of other volunteers, parents and youngsters themselves who laboured to make the new centre a reality.

I spoke afterwards with Debbie Perfitt who helps run the group with her scout leader husband, William.  She warmly acknowledged all the help given to the project by so many volunteers, later issuing the following statement: “The scout group committee wish to thank all those who have contributed to getting this building from its conception over 15 years ago, to the splendid hall and land we now enjoy. Many people have given time and money in varying degrees all of which we are very grateful for, particularly to Celia Edwards our Voluntary Project Manager, whose diligence and commitment helped make this possible”.

The building will be used by Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers and Explorers/Young Leaders. It will also be available for community use.





photo: Kenneth Bird

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