Securing the Landgate’s Future


On Thursday, November 22, Rye residents with an interest in the future of the Landgate listened to Graham Burgess, property, investment and regeneration manager at Rother District Council (RDC) outline their tentative plans for the future of the building.

Graham informed the meeting, which had been arranged by the Friends of the Landgate group, that the initial work is coming to an end and that their bid for £50,000 to the government’s Coastal Fund was still being deliberated. The application for additional funding was to contribute towards more structural work as well as pulling together a possible bid for a lottery application.

Heidi Foster (l) and Gillian Roder (r)

Much work has been done in the last twelve months and the Friends had confidence that RDC, working with a range of local stakeholders, will continue their good work into the future.

As mentioned in last week’s Rye News, this will be the final meeting organised by the Friends of the Landgate in their current form. Thanks was given to Gillian Roder and Heidi Foster (pictured above) for their determination in getting local authorities to focus on the sorry state of the building.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Well done to Heidi and Gillian. Why The council et al do not nurture and protect this precious landmark (!!) I see it as very important to the character of Rye.


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