Sheep-killer dog put down


A dog that attacked two sheep near Playden has been destroyed, writes Tony Nunn. The black and tan rescue dog, a German Shepherd, was spotted in fields in the Bowlers Town area, off the A268 Rye Road, on Monday November 24. One of the sheep died at the scene and the other had to be put down. They belonged to farmer David Brightling. The dog had been involved in an attack three weeks earlier on an Iden resident. Following this incident the owners agreed to muzzle the dog and keep it under strict control. Despite these precautions the dog managed to escape from the owners on Monday morning.

A local farmer told Rye News: “It is important to stress that this is a sad story involving the death of a much loved pet. Dan Bevan the PCSO has handled the issue sensitively. All of us in Iden sympathise with the sad loss the owners have suffered but there is no doubt in our minds that this was the right thing to do.”

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