Shop Watch restarted


Rye traders have welcomed the return of a mutual support scheme, which puts them in immediate communication with the police and with each other, writes Kenneth Bird. The benefits of using upgraded radio equipment had been demonstrated by Police Community Support Officer, Richard Perchard, and this encouraged Frank May, a member of Rye Chamber of Commerce, to approach other shops and businesses in the Town Centre. Following his survey, funds to purchase 15 items of the new equipment were raised through the Safer Rother Partnership, the Police Property Fund and the Chamber of Commerce itself. Frank May commented: “Richard Perchard’s role was vital in getting this link re-established. No incidents have been reported recently”, he added, “but you don’t need it till you need it”. Any more traders wishing to join in can do so by phoning WJ Bennett, Menswear, on 01797 222395.


Photo by Kenneth Bird

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