Singalong with new Deputy Mayor


Councillor Rebekah Gilbert has been chosen as the Deputy Mayor Elect at last Monday’s meeting of Rye Town Council.
Councillor Jonathan Breeds steps down next month, on May 7, as Mayor when the current Deputy Mayor Cllr Mike Boyd takes over as Mayor.
Cllr Gilbert was nominated by former Mayor Cllr Bernardine Fiddemore and seconded by Cllr Cheryl Creaser. Cllr Fiddemore said Rebekah puts in masses of energy into whatever she is involved with and sees jobs through, while Cllr Creaser said she was a dedicated councillor.
Rebekah was educated at Thomas Peacocke School (now Rye Academy) with the current mayor and, as a mezzo soprano, sings with him and Cllr Andi Rivett in Rye Bay Crew (see photo below) with a wide ranging repertoire.

All poshed up last autumn for a Wurlitzer evening, Rye Bay Crew (left to right) outgoing Mayor Jonathan Breeds, & Councillors Rebekah Gilbert and Andi Rivett

However she is also well known as an organiser (possibly drawing on her Girl Guide past) and can be seen marshalling at events like Rye’s Christmas Festival, and was one of those responsible for bringing the maritime “Festival of the Sea” back to life last year (see photo above).
She has also cropped up as a Bonfire Night collector, a bellringer, and as a helper at Rye Film Club and the Music Well – and established the local Business Forum.
She has also worked a lot with schoolchildren, as well as local businesses, and currently combines the two in an apprenticeship scheme for the local hospitality industry.

Photos: Rye News Library

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