Thanks for lights help


Rye’s deputy mayor, Councillor Andi Rivett, wishes to thank all those involved in the Christmas lights last month. He is very grateful to all those who helped put them up and take them down, often in the most inclement of weathers.

A big thank you to Richard Moore, jam maker extraordinaire, who made pots for those who gave most help. Thanks also to all those who volunteered to plug the lights in and make it happen, businesses and private dwellings along the main streets.

To the harbour master for permission and electricity along the Strand for the lights and the tree, and to Rod Chapman for the tree. Finally to the town council for helping with the funding for some replacement lights.

It certainly brightened up the town on those dark December days and bought a smile to many in the town.

Volunteers will be sought again in late November for the switch-on for this coming Christmas!

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. I was lucky enough to catch the Christmas lights on a foggy night. Quite magical.
    It’s always the same when fog rolls through the town, perhaps my favorite time to view Rye is on a foggy night, it takes on a timelessness that can throw you back to day’s long gone. Adding the lights reminded me how lovely Rye can be.


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