Thrice the potholes, not nice


With East Sussex seeing three times as many potholes as normal for this time of year, Rye is not immune to what has become a perennial problem for road users.

A casual stroll around town reveals several very deep potholes on the infamous Deadmans Lane and extensive pitting on East Street and Lion Street — including close to the Town Hall. Perhaps the worst road overall is St Margarets Terrace off the Strand. The part of this road adjoining the A259 opposite the terraced houses features an entirely uneven surface of mud, tarmac and dark gravel. It appears likely this surface has suffered pummelling from numerous heavy goods vehicles which use the road to access Jempson’s Slade Yard lorry storage area.

The condition of this road is presumably also of great concern to the residents who have moved into Martello Developments’ luxury riverside block of apartments on Rock Channel Quay.

It is unclear whether St Margarets Terrace is an unadopted road, although the road sign does not indicate this to be the case.

Neighbouring Kent’s pothole numbers are said to be five times greater than usual, according to a media report, which blamed the hot summer, a cold snap several weeks ago and heavy rain for the problem. East Sussex Highways (ESH), which should be praised for the fine job it did resurfacing Rye High Street, certainly has a challenge dealing with this year’s pothole plethora.

Local residents worried about potholes should log onto ESH’s pothole-reporting webpage to inform the council of the location and size of the pothole. If the hole needs to be fixed in an emergency, phone 0345 60 80 193.

Image Credits: David Worwood .

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  1. St Margaret’s Terrace is as far as I am aware not an ” adopted” road and if Im correct it means that its not maintainable by the Council. Anyone know ?
    If Im wrong and it is( Maintainable by the Council) it should be tarmac’d as it leads to Jemsons yard and there are HGVs going in and out all the time which is going to lead to pot holes

  2. I can vouch for the road in Rye Harbour, the last time I visited the village the amount of potholes was an absolute disgrace, I spent more time dodging holes in the road, which was very dangerous!!

  3. The issue of potholes, I now refer to them as craters has got worse by our recent bad weather, however, if they had been addressed beforehand, at least the number would have been reduced, things made considerably more dangerous when filled with rain water, and driving or cycling during dark hours.. I totally agree with your writers, it is both shameful and a disgrace. Whilst we wait for County to realise the issue, surely, a way can be found to mark them either through parish council, or County employing people to do the job. The way County employees fill the potholes, without sealing the surrounds, a main reason why they keep offending. It has been mentioned time and time again about the waste of money, on offending potholes, one with leaking water has I believe be dealt with at least 3 times in Westfield, and it is still not sorted, as to Seddlescombe, well, a disgrace does not cover it. NO blame to the PC’s, but County, well, the Councillor blames the rain !!!

  4. My partner is a mechanic, currently replacing more suspension coils than ever due to drivers bouncing in and not-so bouncing out of “craters”, so perhaps leaving them to deteriorate saves the council money – with car owners pick up the expense of car repairs!


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