Working on the beach


Hastings East Sussex RNLI Beach Lifeguard Service is now recruiting for season 2021 and they cover beaches from Camber to Bexhill. As a lifeguard, you will be on a competitive salary depending on your role and not only will you have competitive pay, but you will have the beach as your office, make new friends, and gain many new skills in the process.

Our RNLI lifeguards typically work around 40 hours a week and we’re open to working flexibly around your commitments – such as family care or shift work with another employer.

To become a lifeguard for the RNLI you will require an NVBLQ (national vocational beach lifeguard qualification) or equivalent. An NVBLQ shows that an individual has the knowledge and skills required to operate effectively across a range of beach environments. You will be able to find local NVBLQ courses online through the RLSS (royal lifesaving society) or SLSGB (surf lifesaving GB).

The prerequisites for the NVBLQ course are the following – Be 16-years-old or over at the time of the assessment, and have a good level of fitness: surface dive to a depth of 1.5 metres, tread water for two minutes, climb out of deep water unaided and without steps, and be competent at swimming in the sea: be able to swim 400m in less than eight minutes and swim 100m on the front, 100m on the back, and 200m in less than four minutes.

The RNLI requires a certain fitness standard from candidates, and all candidates have to undergo a 400m pool swim in under 7½ minutes, the first 200m of which much be completed in under 3½ minutes, a 25m pool swim underwater and 25m surface swim consecutively in under 50 seconds and a 200m beach run in under 40 seconds.

If you have a NVBLQ or are interested in becoming a lifeguard then please apply online or  contact

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