Bayley family of Rye


My grandfather, James Bayley, was born in Rye before emigrating to South Africa. He was at the siege of Ladysmith and kept a diary that was published in the local Rye newspaper. His father was George Bayley who operated a number of ships from Rye. He was credited with saving a number of lives at sea, but was lost at sea with his ship.

George’s father, James was born in Winchelsea in 1810 into a seafaring family. He also operated a number of ships from Rye and received life saving medals. In his obituary it was said that he had saved 26 lives at sea. He lived to a ripe old age.

I have quite a lot of information about this family, but no photographs of them or their ships. I am also interested in finding out more and extending the family tree back before 1810. I am quite happy to pass on what information I have to anybody interested in this family, but I would also very much like to hear from anybody who can help me extend my knowledge.

Clifford Alexander

[Editor’s note: Contact details given with letter are Tel: 01803898229 or]

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