Good grief it's Lent already


When I last considered doing anything it was my birthday ten days before Christmas – and suddenly, with Lent starting this week, Easter is on the horizon.
And I could then venture into a lengthy explanation of how Lent is a moveable feast, attached to when Easter is, while St Valentine’s Day is fixed – but I won’t. Instead I’ll ask “How was Christmas ?”
That’s because Christmas and the New Year passed me by completely as the cold weather set in and my lungs shut down – but Spring must be on its way as looking down from the bedroom on to my back garden I can see little blinks of gold.
The daffodil bulbs I planted wherever I dug up a weed have clearly survived – and the buds are forming. The flowers still may be a while though – but they are there.
I could have sworn I planted some snowdrops too. But no sign of them – unlike those in the picture above at Great Dixter.
So what have I missed ? Well I actually missed going to the Conquest’s Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department as my breathing stayed difficult – but not totally impossible.
My strategy was simple, but probably not possible for everybody. People equal germs, so avoid people – particularly in doctors’ waiting rooms or any other crowded gatherings – such as pubs, meetings and social events of any kind.
And that was my Xmas gift to the NHS. I did not get ill enough to need to clutter up A&E.
However my isolation continued post Xmas with the biting winds closing down my lungs all too frequently (a problem since my premature birth).
And January, and at least half of February, was then marked by “the sound of silence”.
My hearing went and the most typing I did was a regular flow of “Sorry. Can’t be there as can’t hear” notes covering a range of meetings – which some may say is a plus. And that’s not just the people who put up with me at meetings.
I can now hear again (this week) after I think three, or was it four, attempts with a hose pipe on both ears – but the breathing is still a bit “iffy”. Roll on summer.
Plans I had for social occasions went by the board, and I will, and can, survive Lent because I’ve still got lots of Christmas type food left. The alcohol, though, strangely has all gone!
So what have I missed since mid December?  Is the Landgate still standing? Is parking still a problem?
Well that one I can answer. It is half term and my teacher daughter came to check up on me – and finding a parking space was difficult.
And I did see a police car too. But it was not in any hurry so I assume a crime wave has not struck town.
One advantage of TV now though is that it comes with sub titles most of the time (unlike people) so I know our council rates will go up – but when did they ever go down?
I also note that Rother Council has come up with an answer to the Camber traffic jams on sunny days. Get cars into their car parks quicker by charging them on the way out.
My solution would be to delete Camber from all road signs and insert Margate instead.
So I’ve missed all our readers, and I hope you had a Happy Christmas, and have a warmer New Year!

Photo : Rye News Library

Image Credits: Great Dixter .

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  1. How interesting to learn that RDC is thinking of charging cars as they leave instead of as they enter. I suggested that about five years ago and was told it wasn’t practical. I wonder what made it change its mind!


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