Plebgate Part 3: Rebuttal


August 9 2016
The Armoury, Winchelsea

Dear Sir
Plebgate the sequel. Published August 4 2016

I was given a copy of the Rye News as I do not have a computer and was unaware of this article and correspondence.

Mr Comotto’s mentality must be as bent and twisted as his facts, given that he is persistent in causing me aggravation by every means possible.

That a national newspaper would use such scribble when there is real news to report, beggar’s belief, and the “Today” radio program that commented on this matter by just reading these newspaper articles.

The word “Plebeian” is a word I used in what I mistakenly believed was private correspondence to Mr Comotto.

I have not given an interview to any reporter from the “Telegraph”, so the “Elevenses” and other statements attributed to me, are a complete fabrication, and defamatory.

I am fully aware that the friends of the “Ancient Monuments” tours, take place at 11am, where they assemble outside of the town well, and then go off to visit cellars.

Mr Comotto assembles the Winchelsea Archaeological Society groups outside of the town well. Then he shepherds them in front of our kitchen windows, where they fill the foreground, where they gawp and wave to us during his lecture.
I own the grass verges in the foreground of the Armoury and the sunken garden. The Highways Authority claim “Highway Rights” over the ground, they do not claim to own the land, and Mr Comotto’s advocacy that the public may sit, dance, lunch, and do much else constitutes incitement to commit anti-social behaviour.
I hope I have made myself clear.

Yours etc
Anthony J. Jasper.

Editor’s note: We are more than happy to print Mr Jasper’s version of events. It is an unfortunate fact, however that we all love taking an interest in other people’s houses – especially if they are old and interesting (the houses, that is). It is noted that Mr Jasper says he has never spoken to the Telegraph, although the newspaper has a different recollection:
“Mr Jasper, who lives at The Armoury in Winchelsea, told The Telegraph that he wrote to the society after getting fed up with being stared at while he was eating his mid-morning snack.”
One must, however, have some sympathy with Mr Jasper. A few days ago a group of overseas tourists were spotted in Mermaid Street with the lenses of their cameras pressed hard against the window panes of one of the houses, photographing the interior. On second thoughts, Mr Jasper should perhaps think himself lucky!

And on a final note – it is good to see that Rye News is clearly required reading by both the national newspapers and the BBC!


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  1. Oh dear! Mr Jasper is angry. But he should at least try to be accurate. Let me rebut the rebuttal and let me do so without responding to the personal insult.
    1 Mr Jasper’s letter (one of many of letters of complaint with which he has showered his neighbours) was addressed to the Winchelsea Archaeological Society and therefore cannot be private correspondence. I can appreciate his embarrassment at being publicly outed in his use of the word ‘Plebeian’ but the fact he thought he was writing privately makes its use no less pompous or ridiculous. The embarrassment is entirely of his own making.
    2 If, as Mr Jasper asserts, the Telegraph fabricated the report of its interview with him and has defamed him, then he will no doubt sue. But one suspects he will not.
    3 What is fabrication is Mr Jasper’s claim that WAS tours are shepherded in front of his kitchen windows, where they gawp and wave. The visitors on tours are invariably polite and well-behaved (archaeology tours just don’t seem to appeal to yobs or, dare I say, Plebs). And to get to Mr Jasper’s front windows, tours would have to cross the verge and descend into the sunken garden, which they do not. But anyway, the rooms of the Armoury are so dark and the net curtains so thick, that it is impossible to see in from the street, even if one wanted to. Not thay anyone does. I am afraid Mr J does not have anything in the way of rock star status.
    4 Finally, the verge. Mr Jasper does not own. As the Land Registry will confirm, the verge (and front garden) is part of the public highway and public highway cannot be privately-owned. If Mr Jasper was correct, he should be able to enforce his rights (prohibiting anyone from doing anything but crossing the verge). Perhaps he can find a law firm willing to take on his libel action against the Telegraph and his suite against cellar tours at a two-for-one price?
    5 And by the way, when did sitting, dancing or lunching constitute anti-social behaviour?


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