Travails of Traders Passage


Tuesday:  September 15 : 9:30 am-ish. I was making a cup of tea in our kitchen. Heard a loud noise. Assumed it was from Strand Quay. Carried on with what I was doing. Suddenly I saw a mini JCB going past my window. That was the noise explained. But what was it doing there – and why? I got my camera out and snapped the JCB continuing up Traders Passage. I then followed it. Past the Hope Anchor Hotel and along Watchbell Street. It turned into number 26 where renovation work has been going on for some time.

I spoke to the driver. He told me that the lorry that brought it to Rye would not have been able to drive up Watchbell Street. I suppose we have to put up with this sort of thing. But he could have gone the long way round on a proper road.

Cyclists also seem to think Traders Passage is a right of way for them. Some push their bikes. But many ride up or down. The most I have seen is over ten riding fast down the passage. We probably need some signage to show that the passage is pedestrian only.

Ray Prewer


Photo: Ray Prewer

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