A necessary inconvenience


Plan ahead is the advice to visitors coming to Rye as they are discovering that ‘facilities’ are not as freely available as they might have envisaged, and trying to find a loo which is open takes a little time and patience.

Most public toilets have been closed following government guidelines but, for now at least, there are some toilets open in Rye and the local area, even if they are not immediately obvious, unlike the block opposite the station (pictured below) which is all closed until further notice, even the disabled cubicle.

The toilet block opposite the railway station is closed, at least for now.

The nearest alternative is in Lucknow Place (by Skinners Roundabout) where the disabled cubicle is available for anyone to use. There is also a list of additional local toilets which are open, as detailed below.

The disabled toilets only (as this is the safest way for the public to have the use of a toilet) are open for everyone to use at the following locations:

• Rye – Lucknow Place
• Winchelsea Beach
• Rye Harbour
• Pett Level

Signage will be in place to advise users it is single occupancy only and to remind them to follow social distancing guidelines, wash their hands and stay safe. These toilets will be cleaned on a rotational basis and open from approximately 7am to 8pm.

Camber Sands

Toilets are open at Camber Central car park and also in one block in Camber Western. Restricted numbers will be able to use facilities at any one time – three in the ladies and two in men’s, with disabled facilities open to all as detailed above. They will be open from 10am to 6pm.

Please expect long queues on busier days as entry is strictly monitored to support Covid-19 guidelines.

From time to time vandalism, abuse or inappropriate use of facilities can occur in public toilets. If you see, or witness, any vandal damage or abuse, or have any information regarding any incidents, please call Rother District Council on 01424 787000. Calls will be treated in the strictest of confidence. Or phone the police on 0845 60 70 999.

If you wish to contact the council direct in respect of public conveniences cleaning you can call 01424 787000

Disabled Facilities
Facilities for the disabled can be accessed using a RADAR key.
RADAR (The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation) coordinates the National Key Scheme for public toilets for disabled people.

Further information will be published once the lockdown starts to ease and more facilities return to normal use and opening times.

Source: Rother District Council

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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