Battle Abbey seen in a new light


For three days last week Friday to Monday, November 18-20 the light shone on Battle Abbey.

English Heritage had lit up the ancient buildings and small areas of the park to produce a magical, and in some cases almost mystical effect. With careful lighting the old walls, battlements, cloisters and grounds came alive and one could almost sense the presence of our ancestors, from King Harold’s ill-fated army, through the centuries to the modern day. At first I thought I was going to be a little underwhelmed as I had expected more of the visual effects. But as I walked round, loitering here and there to take in the view, I realised that the old walls accentuated by light of different shades washing over them, told their own story, nothing more was needed

There were a few re-enactors from the time of the conquest just to complete the picture, but just a few – not so many to spoil the atmosphere and make it look like a Netflix film set, but just enough to cause the many spectators walking through to pause, listen and take in the history.

The event was well organised by English Heritage who had ensured that a through flow prevented any crowding, it was a peaceful, enjoyable and different way to spend a Friday evening.

Image Credits: John Minter .

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