Bin and gone


Rye News received word that there was an issue near the leisure centre behind The Grove which needed bringing to people’s attention. What a load of rubbish! No, I’m not being dismissive. The issue is the overflowing bins.

The recycling bins at the leisure centre are once again full to overflowing, and not a pretty sight but, given the current circumstances, they are bound to fill up more quickly. Mind you, it’s better to concentrate everything in one place than see rubbish fly tipped in fields, or in woodland, or where it should not be.

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) Household Recycling Centres are now open, but with possibly long queues and limited access with social distancing, they therefore can currently only offer a restricted service and ESCC are advising the public not to go there unless absolutely necessary.

Even so, there’s not really an excuse for leaving a table and chair for someone else to clear up. Rother District Council continues to do a really good job keeping our streets clean, despite the daily carnage created by the seagulls, and emptying household bins – and we are lucky to have this consistent service all year round. By Tuesday July 7, all the mess had been cleaned up and taken away and once again the bins were ready for all to use.

On Tuesday July 7 the recycling area had been cleared of rubbish and back to normal

Rubbish in general terms is an issue however, but Rother District Council is still advertising their bulky waste and assisted waste collection service on its website, or you can make enquiries by contacting them by phone on 01424 787000, even if ESCC’s service is limited.

The armchair on the market car park is still there, fly tipped on private property, and has been sitting there (sorry) for some time now, as reported previously in Rye News.

A dumped chair, sitting in the corner of the market carpark.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Picking up on this rather elderly thread, I note that the recycling facility in the leisure centre car park is indeed soon to be gone. The notice cites fly tipping as the reason for closure. I fear that because of the isolated position of the site, the fly tipping will continue even after the recycling bins are taken away. Would it not be possible to extend the cctv coverage currently in place in the leisure centre car park to monitor the problem area? It seems a pity that a useful recycling facility is to be taken away. One wonders if the fly tipping issue is just an excuse to reduce the provision of recycling facilities.


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