Education outdoors at nursery


Ferry Road Nursery is raising funds for a very special project. Sue, deputy nursery manager and SENCo support explained: “We are fundraising for our outside area to be upgraded. We would love to have the garden landscaped and to include a sensory walk so that our children can experience different smells, textures and sounds.

Fun in the outdoors

“We also need to update and extend our growing area so that it is accessible to all the children and is also wheelchair friendly. We really want them to be able to see fresh fruit and vegetables being grown and for them to help to look after them until they are ready to be picked.

“Having an upgraded garden will help our nursery children in so many ways: it can give children more opportunities as some don’t have access to gardens at home. We take children from three months to five years old so having a safe and accessible garden for all ages and abilities is something we feel is essential for a child’s development.

Children learn so much in the great outdoors

“We are extremely grateful to Hayley and all of the Rye Players for putting on the Book Club at Smallhythe Place last Friday to help support our nursery. It was wonderful to see a packed house and the play was amazing.

Rye Players Book Club Smallhythe

“We would also like to thank the Ellen Terry Theatre and Susannah in particular, and all the helpers who have made this possible.”

Pat Driver from Rye Players who directed Book Club was thrilled to announce that the play raised £1,000 towards  the funding of the nursery gardens, she said, “We loved performing this play and when Hayley-Marie Axe asked if we could do this charity performance we jumped at the opportunity. We are  proud that the money raised will  create a sensory  garden path to benefit children with additional needs.”

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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