Harbour nature reserve May activities


May is full of interesting things to do and the list below will give you ideas for trying something new. The Wednesday wellbeing walks are well attended and the group really enjoys not only the birds and the reserve but also the camaraderie.

Barry Yates explained what is happening on the reserve at the moment: “This week we will be installing six tern nesting rafts, each 5m x 5m at Pett Pools, Rye Harbour Salt Pool and the Camber Scaup pit. It’s to make more places for breeding common terns and make them more resilient to bird flu. Rafts will be installed on Thursday, May 11.”

Please note that the discovery centre will be closed on Monday, May 22 and Tuesday, May 23 for maintenance. The reserve of course will be open for all activities or just a quiet contemplative walk

Half term activities (week commencing Monday, May 29):

Microscope Monday – Rye Harbour (29/05/2023) | Sussex Wildlife Trust

Larvae and Leeches – Rye Harbour Nature Reserve (01/06/2023) | Sussex Wildlife Trust

Glorious Mud – Rye Harbour Nature Reserve (02/06/2023) | Sussex Wildlife Trust

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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