Have your say on policing


Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne wants you to have your say on policing priorities to ensure your concerns are reflected in her revised police and crime plan.

Mrs Bourne has launched two surveys that will supplement her #TalkSussex programme of virtual public consultations and meetings so that even more residents can have their say in the setting of next year’s policing budget.

PCC Bourne has been working closely with Sussex Police to plan for a range of potential post-Covid funding scenarios and how they might impact on existing plans.

The pandemic has meant hardship and heartache for many people and put public services under increased pressure, including our police. Mrs Bourne wants to hear what is important to residents to help inform her police and crime plan and spending plans for the next four years. Have your say today by completing the short survey.

Policing challenge game

The PCC is also reaching out to younger residents with her ‘policing challenge game’, giving them the opportunity to tell her what policing priorities matter most to them by challenging them, in a fun game, to assign ‘priority tokens’ to the eight major strands of Sussex Police’s work in the community.

She says: I want to ensure that all local communities are represented in my next police & crime plan. In the past, we know that the majority of responses to our online polls are from residents aged 55 and over so I really want to hear from younger people as well. All views will be reflected in my decision-making and will help shape the future of Sussex Police. Make sure to have your say today.”

All data will be collated on Sunday, January 10 and will also be used to inform PCC Bourne’s police and crime plan for 2021/22. You can access the survey and policing challenge game here.

Source: Sussex PCC

Image Credits: Sussex PCC .

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