Help needed to buy special bed


Daniel is a wonderful young man who, unfortunately, was diagnosed with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy at a very early stage. The most poignant part of this story is that when he was a youngster, Daniel was able to play ball with his friends and do many of the things that boys take for granted. He knows just what he is missing out on now that he is totally reliant upon an electric wheelchair. However, he is a star and has taken things in his stride and has made the best of what life has dealt him.

His mother Kate is one of the most amazing, caring and dedicated parents you could meet, and she works tirelessly to make Daniel’s life as best that it can be. She gives and goes on giving and her friends and family give her as much support as they can but they need to buy Daniel a new bed which will give him much more independence. Kate answered some questions to give the background and how everyone can help.

What is Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy?
DMD is a muscle-wasting condition caused by the lack of a protein called dystrophin. It usually affects boys, about 100 of whom are born with it in the UK every year. Daniel was diagnosed just after he started primary school. We had noticed that he was late walking but this was brushed off as his being a lazy boy!

How has Daniel coped with the limitations of his debilitating condition?
Daniel has always coped with his condition, taking it in his stride and learning to adapt around things he couldn’t do. He started using a manual wheelchair at seven but went into his powered one at the age of eleven.

How will the bed help Daniel?
The Arctic Bed would be a considerable help to Daniel, making him more comfortable and independent at night. At the moment someone has to change his position 5-6 times a night. This bed tilts so that he can press a button and do that himself; it also brings his knees in which would stop his hips from splaying open.

How much do you need to raise?
£10,000 but we have raised over £3,000 so far.

How are you raising funds?
Sheila and I are doing a sponsored zip wire at Bluewater, the longest in the UK and Sheila is scared of heights but she cares so much she will attempt something so out of her comfort zone.

Also, Daniel is in the process of getting calendars made to sell and we are hoping to get these sold in various places in town. We are also hoping to get a cheese and wine evening organised in the near future.

Sadly the life expectancy is on average 25 years and Daniel is 21 so help is needed now.

If you like to help support this venture please give as much as you are able

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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