Make your body your machine, part 2


A few weeks ago, we (Abigail and Susy) wrote about our efforts to get healthier.  What is our progress?

Making changes like dieting, stopping a bad habit or getting fit is always hard.  Are there ways to increase the chance we can stick to our goals?  Research tells us the following:

  • By clearly setting a goal for yourself, you have about a 6-8% chance for success
  • If you write the goal down, success goes up to 25-30%
  • If you write it down AND you tell others about plans, success goes up to 55-60%
  • To increase your chance of succeeding even further, find a buddy.  Having an accountable partner increases your chance of success to over 85%.

What is Abigail’s progress?

Susy as my buddy has increased my own motivation and focus. Just knowing she will ask me how I am progressing makes me want to continue. I have been focused on doing my exercise programmes on line: a weekly Tai Chi class, as well as short, ten minute stretch routines called “8 Brocades”.

I am realising doing these exercises in the mornings works best for me.  I have even woken up at dawn and tried it outside in my garden and I loved it.

I am still enjoying my  “Body Groove” classes 5/7 days a week -and they really work for me too.  It is a bit like crazy, do-what-you-like, dancing and I do it on my own around the house.

After 3 weeks, what difference is this all making?  I definitely have more energy and certain joints seem to be moving more.  However, I put myself on the dreaded scales and I have GAINED 2 pounds. That could be the entire tray of Christmas chocolates I have eaten in January… I rewarded myself with 1-2 chocolates every time I completed a day of exercise, which really wasn’t a good idea.

How has Susy progressed?

The first two sessions at the Rye Bay Fitness gym, with Gav as my personal trainer, have been both encouraging and illuminating. My legs, arms, back, shoulder, neck, head and ‘core’ muscles are astounded! I am learning what they all need to help them become more aligned, balanced and stronger.

I am finding my instructor vigilant, patient and firm.  Gav is designing a bespoke programme around my personal goals to improve my wonky balance, core strength, overall fitness and stamina to enjoy long walks in the countryside and on the beach. We are monitoring in detail how I feel with each progressive exercise. Gyms are about targets and numbers. I’m competing with myself to stretch the limits of my expectations. The speed and incline on the treadmill go up, exercises on the mat and resistance machines get more complex between one session to the next.

It’s been a welcome surprise, after my first two sessions last week, to feel such a significant improvement in my energy levels and fluidity of movement.

Like Abigail, other targets are still some way off.  I am failing miserably however at getting out of low chairs and squishy sofas. This geriatric phenomenon is particularly depressing. So for some light relief, inspired by Abigail’s example of spontaneous ‘groovy dancing’ around her house, I’ll try my own improv DIY version to dance tunes stored in my phone.

In our next update, we are both going to try out classes at the Elysian Center. This includes yoga and Qi Gong. So more about the added benefits of these classes in our next progress report in two week’s time.

Image Credits: Susan Benn , Abigail Cooper-Hansen .

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