Materials and stitchers needed


Rye Mutual Aid (RMA), the voluntary body set up to support the community during the coronavirus pandemic, needs face masks both for its volunteers visiting those in need and for residents in Rye and the surrounding villages – and have therefore set up a sewing and distribution club to achieve this aim.

Its action stations in Judy’s workroom

While social distancing is key to not catching the virus, wearing face masks can also cut down transmissions by 40% says RMA.

But they want to avoid purchasing facemasks needed by front-line health workers , so they want to make some locally.

And you can help in four different ways.

  1. By providing materials: Are you contemplating a clear-out and want to avoid adding to landfill? Well RMA need bias binding, elastic and material such as cotton/polycotton (max 30% polyester) – even old duvet covers.
  2. By sewing facemasks: You can find instruction videos on the RMA website, Facebook page, other sources online or send an email to
  3. By helping collect and distribute masks
  4. By helping to coordinate the exercise.

One of the RMA’s volunteers, Colleen Lennon, has been asked to coordinate the face mask club and if you are interested in taking part follow the link on their website: Rye Mutual Aid – Sewing Club.

The photo shows volunteer Judy Wall’s (pictured at top) workroom, fancy joining in? Go on, make that call!

Please contact us using the links etc below
Complete a volunteer form:
Text: 07727991777

Image Credits: Colleen Lennon .

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